ESP AlertCam Pro CCTV Camera Kit – New Wholesale Excess Stock

Kit Features

  • AlertCam is a stand alone weather proof light switching passive infra-red detector with integral CCTV camera and built in video recording device.
  • On detection AlertCam will switch up to 500w of lighting directly for the unit and start storing clear still colour images at a rate of 2 shots per second for 20 seconds.
  • Alertcam also has the ability to send a wire free signal, at a distance of up to 65M, to any number of dedicated receiver devices.
  • There are two types of optional device.
  • AlertCamRS a 240VAC unit that can be used to switch additional lighting up to 1500W or trigger other devices such as intruder alarm systems or voice diallers via a relay.
  • AlertCamRA an alarm/chime device to inform occupants of activity outside.

Kit Includes

  • Alert Cam
  • Alert Cam RS
  • Alert Cam RA

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SKU: esp-alertcam-pro-cctv-camera-kit Categories: , ,
Sales Quantity

Single, Pack, Carton, Pallet
